Home Lempuyang Temple Lempuyang Sacred Temple in East Bali
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Lempuyang Sacred Temple in East Bali

“Where is the location of Gate to Heaven in Bali Island?” Perhaps this question ever appear on mind after seeing the images on Social Media that display Majestic Balinese Split-Gate with Wonderful Vista in behind. Okay that question will be reviewed concisely in below.  

Gate of Heaven Lempuyang
Gate of Heaven Lempuyang

Lempuyang Sacred Temple Bali is a location where you can find to see the “Gate to Heaven” and take place on hill of East Bali exactly at Abang District, Karangasem Regency.

In addition, this temple is classified one of Sad Khayangan Temple (Six Main Temple in Bali). No wonder, you will meet many the Hindus who come to worship.

Before entering the temple area, all visitors are required to wear sarong and scarf. In case have no, you can rent it near parking area. Although Lempuyang Temple is a popular destination but you don’t need to pay the entrance ticket and only charge a parking fee about IDR 10.000.

Lempuyang Luhur Temple Bali
Lempuyang Luhur Temple Bali

Meanwhile, it is on highland. Hence, you will see sundry beautiful nature scenery on the peak such as: sunrise or sunset and even a lovely vista of Agung Mount (the highest mount in Bali Island).

Read also: Lempuyang Temple What to Wear

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